My blog Maverecon ran as a one-man enterprise on  from Sunday, April 23, 2006 till Tuesday,  October 23, 2007, when it moved to the Financial Times Website, at .  There was, however, just one post between April 23, 2007 and  June 28, 2007, just as the north Atlantic financial crisis was about to erupt.
The origins of the name Maverecon are, I’m afraid, straight from a convex combination of ‘maverick’ and ‘economist’ or ‘economics’.  The alternative interpretation, which held it referred to ‘maven’ (which entered English via Yiddish from the Hebrew ‘mevin’, or ‘one who understands’) is incorrect, unless my subconscious is playing games with me.

I hope to make all Maverecon posts available in finite time with positive probability.